Report of the Council of ministers of Wednesday, September 12, 2018

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English – Posted on September 12, 2018
The minister of the action and of the public accounts has submitted a draft law ratifying order n° 2018-474 of June 12, 2018 on the simplification and harmonization of the definitions of the bases of contributions and social security contributions.
This order was made on the basis of article 13 of the law n° 2016-1827 of December 23, 2016 financing of social security in 2017.
The order is carried out right constant, so that it does not entail any effect on the levels of levies to policyholders and contributors.
It brings together a set of articles consistent within the code of social security by updating to a more modern formulations employed, all of the provisions defining the income base subject to social security contributions, the generalized social contribution and the contribution to the reduction of the social debt, these provisions now included in many of the texts of the joint complex.
The rewrite of these provisions in terms of definition of the contribution base and contribution fits within the framework of the implementation of the simplification of the social statements made by the employers in the middle of the social declaration registered, the subscription of which is all the more easy as the applicable law itself is more simple and more readable.
This order also fits in the same approach that the law n° 2018-727 of August 10, 2018, for a State at the service of a trusted company. It aims to improve the readability and accessibility of the law and to secure the individual contributor (whether an employee, an employer, a self-employed worker or a beneficiary of income replacement) on the level of the levies that are applicable, ensuring access to simple and clear text whose interpretation is unambiguous and safe.
The draft law ratifying the ordinance has no other provision.
The Prime minister issued a decree on the abolition of administrative committees of an advisory nature.
This decree removes twenty advisory committees and repeal the legislation relating to the three commissions have lapsed or repealed from 2016.
It will facilitate the taking into account of the consequences of the repeal or the lapse of texts creating a commission or providing for its consultation, unless there are legislative provisions are acting as a barrier and will thus help to improve the clarity and intelligibility of the law.
The decree continues a movement, already committed to the ambition of which has been reaffirmed by the circular of 24 October 2017 relative to the modernisation of the procedures of prior consultation and the reduction in the number of advisory committees.
If there were 670 commissions in mid-2012, with the entry into force of the decree, there will be more than 389 tomorrow. This represents a decrease of over 40 % with the removal of nearly 300 commissions.
The removal of these commissions allows savings of operating expenses and frees up time to work for the civil servants who prepare the work of the committees and to participate in their debates. It also allows a gain of time for the preparation of the texts, including decrees, enforcement of laws, avoiding consultations often very formal.
Efforts must be continued from a quantitative point of view, in the framework of the periodic review of the usefulness of the committees and by the assessment of the relevance of the creation of any new commission. Thus, the Government wishes to extend to commissions, the principle of the “one in, two out” established successfully for the texts of the regulations since September 2017 : for the creation of any commissions, by legislative or regulatory means, other two commissions will need to be removed.
The effort must also focus on the qualitative dimension of the association prior to the general public by ensuring that enrich and diversify the modes of consultation and using processes which are more innovative.
The minister of State, minister for the ecological transition and solidarity, presented a decree relative to certain powers of the prefect coordinator of the national plan of actions on the wolf.
The national plan of actions 2018-2023 on the wolf and livestock activities, published last February, plans to strengthen the missions of the prefect of the Auvergne region-the Rhone-Alps, which coordinates and oversees the implementation since 2004.
Accompanying the appointment of a coordinating prefect by decree of the Prime minister, a number of new regulatory provisions come into force. They can assure the control of firing on the wolves so that, in the framework of the regulation for the protection of the species, these operations have to respond with the greatest efficiency possible to the objective of preventing major damage to the flocks, when the measures of protection of the herds (guarding, protection dogs, fences) are not sufficient to prevent and limit the predation of the species.
While respecting the requirement to maintain the wolf population in a favourable conservation status, these new provisions have the objective of allowing farmers to defend constantly their herd, and target shooting in areas strongly influenced by predation.
This decree gives the possibility to the prefect coordinator to suspend certain decisions of the prefects of department to authorize firing on the wolf. It allows him also to allow the continuation of the fire defence of the flocks, in conditions precisely determined, when the initial threshold of wolves that can be killed per calendar year is reached.
At the same time, a ministerial decree leaves it to the warden coordinator to determine zoning for an optimal implementation of the intervention protocol on the population of wolves. These new provisions will enable the prefect co-ordinator to clarify the territories of priority where the prefects of department may authorize, from the 1st of September and until the end of each calendar year, the firing of harvest on the wolf population. The prefect co-ordinator will also be responsible for determining, on the fronts of colonization of the species, the territories in which the protection of the herds present significant difficulties
These new provisions should help to better reconcile the protection of species and preservation of livestock activities, pursuant to the priority objective of the national plan of actions 2018-2023 on the wolf and livestock activities.
The keeper of the seals, minister of justice, presented a communication relative to the prison policy.
The President of the Republic has fixed, in his speech delivered at the national school of prison administration in Agen, march 6, 2018, the broad guidelines of the penal policy.
The draft law on the programming 2018-2022 and Justice reform, which will be discussed in the Parliament after the month of October, sets out a new policy of penalties by providing that sentences of less than six months will be in principle performed according to other terms and conditions that the detention while the sentences of over a year will not know development. It also promotes the establishment of course just to avoid the output without the path of reintegration. It should lead to a decrease in the number of inmates in the French jails, to the amount of 8 000, while ensuring a faster, more certain and more effective of the sentences imposed, to prevent recidivism.
The act of programming will lead a real estate strategy in line with the new policy of the sentences. By 2022, 7 000 seats will be delivered and projects for the realization of 8 000 will be launched. It is more than 1.7 billion euros of investment credits which will be used by the end of the quinquennium.
This construction programme will diversify the institutions to better adapt the regimes of detention.
2 000 spaces will be created in new structures of accompaniment to the release, the SAS. These structures will be sentenced to terms of less than one year, or sentenced to long sentences that end in their time of detention. Located in urban areas, they will involve external stakeholders to prepare an active output.
10 000 places will be created in the penitentiary centers for the appropriate treatment of detainees. The neighborhoods of confidence will be planned in each of these establishments for defendants and convicts. The inmates will be able to travel using badges for access to workshops to develop a real professional activity. Security will be tailored to the profile of these inmates.
Two prisons, the experimental will be built incorporating business partners to develop a device that is supported by the work in detention which will continue after the release.
The act of programming will also strengthen the security of penal institutions : strengthening of the intelligence prison with the recruitment of a hundred additional officers, and deployment of effective interference to cell phones, doubling the capacity assessment of detained terrorists and radicalized to allow for the testing of 250 inmates per year and the creation of structures waterproof, reorganization of the central administration to ensure a more dynamic management of the profiles to a particular danger.
Concrete actions shall be launched to promote the dignity and facilitate the reintegration of prisoners.
An agency of the work of general interest and work in detention will be created. It will mobilise the public sector, the voluntary sector and private companies to develop activity in prison and in an open environment. To facilitate the work of magistrates and councillors of insertion and probation, a digital platform, identifying the positions of work of general interest will be made available to them.
The right to vote of inmates will be facilitated to the european elections by the establishment of a specific mechanism for voting by correspondence.
A work is committed to improve the support for prisoners with psychological and psychiatric disorders in the framework of the roadmap for mental health and psychiatry launched by the Government.
This plan prison will not deploy without a strong commitment on the part of prison staff, whose duties should be adjusted to support this change. 1 500 jobs will be created in the service of insertion and probation to implement the new policy of the sentences. The advisors of insertion and probation will advance to the class of 2019.
In the framework of the statement of conclusions signed with the first representative organization of supervisors, 1 110 additional jobs are scheduled during the five-year term to fill the vacant positions in detention. Measures from claims, for an amount of 32 million euros, have been released to recognize the specificity and the conditions of exercise of prison wardens. Work on the evolution of the trade of monitoring are underway that will result in an action plan during the 1st half of 2019.
The minister of higher education, research and innovation has presented a communication on the implementation of the ” Parcoursup “.
With the law n° 2018-166 of 8 march 2018 relating to the direction and success of the students, the Government has embarked on a profound transformation of the access to higher education, by eliminating the use of the draw and making the customization of the course to the standard.
The main stage of the national procedure for registration in higher education, via the platform Parcoursup, was completed on September 5, 2018 at midnight. She has helped around 600 000 applicants to find a place for September 2018, without which no constraint has been imposed to their wishes, in contrast to previous uses. In total, more than 2 370 000 proposals that have been made to prospective students.
In accordance with the objectives of democratization, inscribed in the act of 8 march 2018 relating to the orientation and student success, this freedom of choice has benefited all students. For the first time this year has indeed been put in place for a minimum percentage of equity called in all formations, including selective. Similarly, all training, including the most requested, were open to candidates from another academy, which was not the case with Admission Post Bac. For example, more than 43 % of the candidates of the academy of Créteil have received a proposal in Paris, against 26 % last year. The act of march 8, 2018 thus gave the opportunity for candidates to emancipate the academic boundaries in order to pursue their studies in the field of study of their choice.
Similarly, the act of march 8, 2018 has provided guarantees to promote access of high school graduates and technology professionals with university diplomas in technology (DUT) and the sections de technicien supérieur (STS). They really like indeed, these sectors selective, which had originally been designed for them, but where their records were not always retained, given the number of applications from high school graduates general. In 2018, nearly 65 % of high school graduates professionals have had a proposal in STS, compared to 53 % in the end of the procedure in 2017. Similarly, 21 % of high school graduates in technology have had a proposal in the DUT, compared to 12% in 2017.
The phase of so-called “complementary” Parcoursup continues until 21 September. It allows future students who wish to apply on more than 100 000 seats still vacant in higher education, including in fields in high demand. To enable students who wish to join to do so, including when this implies a level of geographical mobility, a mobility aid, has been put in place and seats have been reserved in the university residences.
The teams rectorales accompany the final candidates who wish to enrol in a training referenced on Parcoursup to make a proposal in line with their record and their project.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please accept our apologies should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.