Financial aid to tobacconists tobacco : what’s new ?

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
Credits : © Olivier Tuffé –
Since July 1, 2018, the new rules apply to the financial support of tobacconists of tobacco, in line with the memorandum of agreement on the transformation of the network of tobacconists, signed by the minister of the Action and of public Accounts on 2 February 2018.
What’s new in effect since July 1, 2018 are the following :
In the case of a drop of more than 15 % of the quarterly sales calendar realized on the sales of manufactured tobacco products (compared to the same quarter of the previous year), a discount corresponding to 0.8% of turnover can be paid to the retailer. This aid is valid until the last quarter of 2021.
The delivery of compensation, which helps counteract the loss of remuneration, mainly due to the geographical situation and by purchases of tobacco at retail made outside of the metropolitan area, including border, is restricted : it does not apply to tobacconists who began their activity after December 31, 2017.
Concerning the premium of diversification of activities, its amount is increased and amounts now to 2 500 €. It is plus 500 € for the beginner with delivery transient on a full year or for the last 3 quarters of the year 2018. In addition, a decree specifies the list of services and products concerned.
With respect to compensation of the end of the activity, the conditions to benefit from expanded, and the allocation criteria simplified.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.