#AnzacDay – L’allié australien de la Grande guerre célébré

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from English to French –
On April 24, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe inaugurates in the presence of the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, the Sir John Monash Center in Fouilloy (Somme)
The two leaders inaugurate in the afternoon at Fouilloy the Sir John Monash Center, in tribute to the Australian general who led the Allied operations in this region in 1918, before commemorating at dawn on Wednesday the centenary of the Battle of Villers-Bretonneux.The recently opened Monash Museum traces the history of Australian soldiers deployed on the Western Front during the Great War.
Australian memory path
Real historic crossroads, it is located near the Australian National Memorial of Villers-Bretonneux where are inscribed 11,000 names of Australian soldiers died in this conflict, and is adjacent to the military cemetery where rest more than 2,000 soldiers.
A key milestone of the Australian Memory Trail on the Western Front, the Sir John Monash Center aims to provide visitors with a better understanding of Australia's role on the Western Front of the First World War and the impact of the war on this young nation. For educational purposes, it exploits the latest cutting-edge multimedia technologies and immerses the visitor in an immersive new experience. Exhibition of period objects, photographs, letters, testimonials … The visitor can thus get an idea of the daily life of these young soldiers during the trench warfare.
Every year, on April 25, Australians celebrate Anzac Day, in memory of soldiers who died during the First World War. Key date of two battles each three years apart. One on the Gallipoli peninsula in Italy, April 25, 1915, the other in Villers-Bretonneux, April 25, 1918. A defeat and a victory.
Wednesday, April 25, before sunrise, Edouard Philippe and Malcolm Turnbull will participate with Prince Charles, heir to the British crown, at the ceremony "point du jour" of the centenary of the Battle of Villers-Bretonneux, about twenty kilometers east of Amiens.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and / or sentence structure not be perfect.