MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
Credits : © Ministry of the interior

You are not at ease with computers ? You must renew your passport and your computer is down ? Find point docking digital closest to where you will be able to perform your work safely.
Since the November 6, 2017, all of the steps previously performed in the prefectures and sub-prefectures must be conducted through experiments from a computer connected to the internet.
For people who are not equipped, not connected, or are unfamiliar with the use of a computer, the ministry of the Interior puts at their disposal the reception points digital, with mediators to guide them in the realization of their steps. Equipped with computers, printers, and scanners, these reception points are accessible in all the prefectures and sub-prefectures in mainland france and overseas.
To know the address and time of the point nearest you, just click on the points map home digital . It is sometimes mandatory to make an appointment.
To note :
Users can also, for their administrative procedures, turn to the Homes services to the public available on the whole territory of the country.
Homes services to the public issue an offer of proximity, to the attention of all audiences, in a single place, where users are accompanied in a personalized way in their efforts of daily living (aids and social benefits, employment, inclusion, pension, energy, health prevention, access to rights, mobility, community life, etc). It is proposed to reception, information and orientation, assistance in the use of online services, help for administrative procedures, or the relationship with the partners (Pôle emploi, Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés, Caisse nationale d’assurance old age, national family allowances Fund, Caisse centrale de la Mutualité sociale agricole, La Poste, GRDF).
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.