Author: usuario

Congress of Regions of France

Congress of Regions of France

MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories – Source: Government of France September 26, 2018 – Note to editors Mr. Edouard PHILIPPE, Prime minister,will open the 14th edition of the Congress Areas of FranceJeudi September 27, 2018 to 09h30MarseilleDéroulé estimate :08h50 Arrival of the 

The CIS Convention on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes

The CIS Convention on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Russia – Source: Russia Federal Space The CIS Convention on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful целях28.09.2018 12:58 28 September 2018 in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) at the meeting of the Council of heads of state of the 

the <div>a joint Statement by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, and Sebastian Kurz, the federal chancellor of Austria</div>

a joint Statement by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, and Sebastian Kurz, the federal chancellor of Austria

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English

Look in the videos

A list of keyboard shortcuts for the calendar is available in the accessibility page. During the validation of a date or of the output of the field, the calendar will be automatically updated. Between and




EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please accept our apologies should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.

Release technique – Tourism – Mr. Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne will speak on the business of tourism at the salon IFTM Top Résa 2018 28 September 2018

Release technique – Tourism – Mr. Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne will speak on the business of tourism at the salon IFTM Top Résa 2018 28 September 2018

MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories – Source: Republic of France – Foreign Affairs in French Mr. Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, State secretary to the minister of Europe and foreign affairs, will be on Friday, September 28, at the meeting of tourism professionals at the 

Rates tree nurseries in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg: 8.6 percent increase in wages

Rates tree nurseries in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg: 8.6 percent increase in wages

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Germany / Germany – Source: DGB – Bundesvorstand28.09.2018 tariff Ticker rates tree nurseries in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg: 8.6 percent more LohnDie employees in tree nurseries in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg for a significant wage increase. The collective bargaining parties agreed in advance 

Paraguay: poverty is not an economic problem but a human

Paraguay: poverty is not an economic problem but a human

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Spanish/Latin America/A –

Source: United Nations – in Spanish

Headline: Paraguay: poverty is not an economic problem but a human

The president of Paraguay defended before the General Assembly, the role of the United Nations, advocated for the sustainable development, expressed its willingness to combat the drug trade and pointed out the need to tackle the global challenge posed by climate change.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure to not be perfect.

V. Harlow: it is Necessary at the legislative level to find a means of support to vulnerable categories of citizens

V. Harlow: it is Necessary at the legislative level to find a means of support to vulnerable categories of citizens

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Russia – Source: Russia – Council of the Federation The Senator took part in the meeting of the Association of legislative (representative) bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation of the Volga Federal district. Member of the Federation 

Presentation by the President of the Republic of the national prevention strategy to fight against poverty

Presentation by the President of the Republic of the national prevention strategy to fight against poverty

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English Look in the videos A list of keyboard shortcuts for the calendar is available in the accessibility page. During the validation of a date or of the output of the field, 

Russia and Italy are cooperating in the framework of the EU operation SOFIA

Russia and Italy are cooperating in the framework of the EU operation SOFIA

MILES of AXIS Translation. Region: Poland –

Source: Russia Ministry of Defense in Russian

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EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Apologies should the grammar and/or sentence structure will not be perfect.

Relocation in Haute-Savoie

Relocation in Haute-Savoie

MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories – Source: Government of France September 26, 2018 – Note to editors Displacement of Mr Edouard PHILIPPE, Prime minister,High-SavoieVendredi 28 September 2018Le Prime minister will attend the Convention on Health Analysis and Management (CHAM 2018) which each