Author: usuario

Parish priest of Genoa: "Irrisors the funds in the decree. Without third pass the port dies "

Parish priest of Genoa: "Irrisors the funds in the decree. Without third pass the port dies "

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Italy – Source: The Holy See in the Italian Headline: Parish priest of Genoa: "Irrisori funds in the decree. Without third pass the port dies " The decree for Genoa is at the Quirinale and is expected to be published in 

What do parents want?

What do parents want?

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Germany / Germany – MIL OSI – Source: Federal Institute for Population Research – BIB – Headline: What do parents want? As part of the symposium "Child care in the field of tension between the world of work and the interests 

A. Bashkin: Adoption of the Basic Law of the country a quarter of a century ago was a turning point in the recent history of Russia

A. Bashkin: Adoption of the Basic Law of the country a quarter of a century ago was a turning point in the recent history of Russia

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Russia –

Source: Russia – Council of the Federation

The senator held a meeting of the exit conference “To the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Constitution of Russia through the eyes of a new generation. "

Alexander Bashkin, member of the Council of Federation Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building Alexander Alexander Davydovich representative from the executive body of the Astrakhan Region, held a meeting of the exit conference on the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Vladivostok. The Russian Constitution through the eyes of a new generation. Lyudmila Bokova Bokova, Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Deputy Representative of the Legislative (Representative) State Authority of the Saratov Region, and Member of the SF Committee Oleg Tsepkin, Deputy Director Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Natalia Naumova, pr Representatives of regional government bodies, Far Eastern Federal University.

The Constitution laid the foundations of the constitutional system, the territorial integrity of our state

Alexander Bashkin in his speech emphasized that the adoption of the Basic Law of the country almost a quarter of a century ago was a turning point in the newest history of Russia. The Constitution laid the foundations of the constitutional order, the territorial integrity of our state, and the unity of the legal and economic space. It defined such constitutional principles as the equality of all before the law, the participation of citizens in government, political diversity, multi-party system, equal access of citizens to public service, the right to participate in the administration of justice and many others.

see also

«Положения Основного закона обеспечили возможность формирования системы государственной власти. 12 декабря 1993 года вместе с принятием новой Конституции состоялись выборы депутатов Государственной Думы первого созыва и членов Совета Федерации. Поэтому Совет Федерации также отмечает свой 25-летний юбилей в этом году», — указал сенатор.«Конституционные нормы постоянно развиваются. Изменения Основного закона свидетельствуют о том, что это живая система», — отметил парламентарий.Важнейшей задачей, которую успешно решает Конституция, является формирование правового государства и поддержание правопорядка в стране. Благодаря её нормам реализуются принцип верховенства права, гарантии соблюдения законов, механизмы защиты прав граждан. Однако конституционные нормы будут действенными только в случае обеспечения высокого уровня правовой культуры населения, формирования в сознании граждан, особенно молодёжи, принципов безусловного уважения к закону, правопорядку и суду, сказал Александр Башкин.Сенатор подчеркнул, что Основы государственной политики РФ в сфере развития правовой грамотности и правосознания граждан нацелены на повышение уровня правовой культуры и правосознания. В соответствии с ними государство должно создавать условия, обеспечивающие развитие правовой грамотности и правосознания граждан, в том числе молодых. «Не обойтись в этом деле и без грамотной, выверенной молодёжной политики».В 2014 г. утверждены Основы государственной молодёжной политики РФ на период до 2025 г. Они определили систему принципов, приоритетных задач и механизмов, обеспечивающих реализацию государственной молодёжной политики в стране. Подавляющее большинство регионов приняли законы, посвящённые молодёжи. Однако базового федерального закона в данной сфере нет. Очевидно, что необходимость принятия такого закона уже назрела, подчеркнул сенатор.Александр Башкин сообщил, что в СФ для подготовки предложений по законодательному регулированию государственной молодёжной политики создана рабочая группа. На данный момент разработан проект закона «О молодежи и государственной молодёжной политике в РФ». Текст законопроекта направлен во все субъекты Федерации, которые единогласно выступили за принятие базового федерального закона о молодёжи. В настоящее время законопроект находится в Правительстве.Сенатор затронул тему участия молодёжи в политической жизни, в частности, в законодательном процессе. «Совет Федерации уделяет повышенное внимание законотворческим инициативам молодёжи. Хорошим примером участия молодёжи в законотворческом процессе является деятельность Палаты молодых законодателей при Совете Федерации. Она не только представляет интересы молодёжи в верхней палате российского парламента, но и энергично участвует в законодательном процессе».Александр Башкин отметил, что на сегодняшний день молодёжные парламенты работают по всей стране на федеральном, региональном и даже местном уровне. «Можно сказать, что в России сложилась стройная система молодёжного парламентаризма, которая соответствует системе законодательных органов власти. Сегодня молодёжному парламентаризму отводится важная роль в формировании и развитии кадрового потенциала страны. От того, насколько деятельным будет участие молодёжи в политической жизни, в конечном счёте, зависит эффективность предпринимаемых усилий по модернизации страны».Важно создать действенный механизм правового воспитания подрастающего поколения, развивать обучение основам права в образовательных учреждениях всех типов и расширять программы дополнительного правового образования, отметил сенатор.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a translation from English Language to English.

Visit of Florence Parly, Minister of Armies, to Australia

Visit of Florence Parly, Minister of Armies, to Australia

MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories – Source: Republic of France – Foreign Affairs in French Ms. Parly began her intense program in Sydney, where she met with Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne. On her second day, Florence Parly flew to Adelaide where 

»I miss Central Europe«

»I miss Central Europe«

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Germany / Germany – Source: Koerber FoundationPopulist positions and a skepticism towards the democratic institutions established since 1989 have recently shaped the debate in East Central Europe. More and more voices question the relationship to the European project. The Slovak writer 

OCEANIA / PAPUA NUOVA GUINEA – Youth gathering, in communion with the Synod Assembly: "Christ at the center of life"

OCEANIA / PAPUA NUOVA GUINEA – Youth gathering, in communion with the Synod Assembly: "Christ at the center of life"

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Italy –

Source: The Holy See in the Italian

Headline: OCEANIA / PAPUA NUOVA GUINEA – Youth gathering, in communion with the Synod Assembly: "Christ at the center of life"

Kundiawa – Young people from the diocese of Kundiawa, a town in Papua New Guinea and capital of the province of Chimbu, express their closeness and trust in the Pope and in the whole Assembly of Bishops that meets in October for the Synod dedicated to young people: a large youth meeting, which saw the gathering of more than 1,500 young people from the diocese at the Don Bosco Technical College in Chimbu in recent days, present in the procession of the "Youth Cross", singing hymns and praises to the Savior, Jesus Christ, accompanied by dances, praying devoutly during the procession and publicly witnessing their faith.

EDITOR'S NOTES: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and / or sentence structure not be perfect.

Prime Minister's visit to the Caribbean

Prime Minister's visit to the Caribbean

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English November 6, 2017 – News Following the passage of hurricanes Irma and Maria, the Prime minister has made November 4 to 6, a displacement in Martinique, Guadeloupe and Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy. 

The Global Migration Pact, a tribute to the will to listen to one another

The Global Migration Pact, a tribute to the will to listen to one another

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Spanish / Latin America / UN – Source: United Nations – in Spanish Headline: The Global Migration Pact, a tribute to the will to listen to one another The agreement, signed by all the countries of the world with the exception 

The citizens themselves must become the initiators and full participants in the improvement of cities – E. Bibikova

The citizens themselves must become the initiators and full participants in the improvement of cities – E. Bibikova

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Russia –

Source: Russia – Council of the Federation

The senator took part in the General Assembly of the Union of Cities of the Center and North-West of Russia, held in Pskov.

Elena Bibikova Bibikova Yelena Vasilyevna, a representative from the executive body of the Pskov region, took part in the General Meeting of the Union of Cities of the Center and North-West of Russia. At an event held in Pskov, new opportunities for municipalities to regulate beautification issues were discussed, which are provided for by amendments to the Federal Law “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” adopted in December 2017 and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

see also

As Elena Bibikova noted in her report, the formation of a comfortable urban environment is one of the main directions of activity of local self-government bodies. "Modern cities face a lot of problems, including high ecological and transport tension, increased density and chaotic development, significant deterioration of infrastructure."

Many problems of creating a comfortable urban environment are designed to solve the national project “Housing and Urban Environment”

The Senator stressed that many problems are designed to solve the national project “Housing and the urban environment”, approved September 24, 2018 by the Presidium of the presidential Council of the Russian Federation for strategic development and national projects. The project includes development and modification of standards development to stop chaotic building and improve the quality of the urban environment. For the evaluation of the changes in cities will be used as an index of the quality of the urban environment, which will help to identify problem areas, to develop mechanisms to improve the state of our cities, he added.”And full initiators and participants of change in cities should become citizens themselves — not only at the stage of interviews or discussions, but his direct involvement. Forms of participation there may be a variety of volunteer movement, the creation of bodies of territorial public self-government, and more”, — said the Senator.According to Elena Bibikova, the entry into force of the Federal law, which regulated the rules of improvement of territories, participation of owners of buildings and land in the maintenance of the surrounding area, as well as defines the procedure of participation of citizens in implementation of measures for improvement, gives local government new opportunities to create comfortable conditions for all residents.The General Meeting was attended by the heads of local governments of municipal formations of the 26 cities, representatives of Administration of the Pskov region, and several public organizations.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a translation from English Language to English.

Press conference by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, in Salzburg at the end of the informal European summit

Press conference by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, in Salzburg at the end of the informal European summit

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from English to French – Search videos A list of keyboard shortcuts for the calendar is available in the accessibility page. When validating a date or leaving the field, the calendar will be automatically updated.