Candidates to a public contract : the procedure is cloud-based from the 1st of October

Candidates to a public contract : the procedure is cloud-based from the 1st of October

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
Credits : ©

In order to simplify procurement and to encourage businesses (that is to say, the economic operators) to participate, the procedure will be dematerialized with effect from 1 October 2018.

For any order of at least 25 000 € HT, the public person (that is to say, the buyer) will have to open the market on a platform with electronic, comprising all the steps of the procedure : a contract notice and transmission of documents and applications.

Applicants will not submit their records in a paper format.

In October, the list of profiles buyers, and will be published on the site

You can now consult the practice guides “operator” and “buyer” pertaining to this paper.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.