Press release – Tribute to the President of the Republic Mr. Philippe Rapeneau

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English – Published on August 01, 2018
Topic : Nation, institutions, and reform of the State
The President of the Republic has learned with great sadness of the sudden death of Mr. Philippe Rapeneau.
Philippe Rapeneau belonged to the tradition of the gaullism social so deeply rooted in the North. It will reach up into its various mandates, in particular in the Region of the Hauts de France, of which he was vice-president, and of the urban community of Arras, which he had chaired.
It has placed the Arrageois at the heart of his many battles, attentive to the most vulnerable, and are always anxious to showcase the city of Arras and its urban community. It ingénia, in particular, to link culture, tourism and economic development, as reflected in the Citadel of Arras.
Since a few years, he engaged with ardor in the struggle of the energy transition within the regional executive, and wore bold initiatives.
Appreciated by his political friends as to its opponents, Philippe Rapeneau was elected as the exemplary commitment and sincerity.
The President of the Republic address to his family and to his friends, but also to the elected officials and staff in the region of the Hauts de France and the urban community of Arras its sincere condolences.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please accept our apologies should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.