Report of the Council of Ministers of Wednesday, September 19, 2018

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from English to French – Published September 19, 2018
Heading: Nation, Institutions and State Reform
Disciplinary proceedings before the French Anti-Doping Agency
Operation of the Intelligence Inspectorate
The results of the European Heritage DaysThe academic year
The sports minister has presented a bill ratifying Ordinance No. 2018-603 of 11 July 2018 on disciplinary proceedings before the French anti-doping agency.
This order is part of the perspective of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2024. Aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the fight against human and animal, the order changes the organization and conduct of the disciplinary procedure by splitting the functions of prosecution and adjudication of anti-doping rule violations before the agency.
From now on, a sanctions commission will be responsible for deciding the disciplinary proceedings instituted by the college against persons who have committed anti-doping rule violations. This commission is already operational since its members were appointed by decree of the President of the Republic on September 1, 2018.
The implementation of these new provisions makes it possible to make consistent the procedure of the disciplinary procedure before the French anti-doping agency with the requirements recalled by the Constitutional Council in its decision n ° 2017-688 QPC of February 2, 2018 as well as with the rules of the World Anti-Doping Code. It also illustrates the Government's determination to fight ever more effectively against all forms of cheating in sport.
The Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice has presented a decree adding the General Inspectorate of Justice to the bodies and services of inspection and control contributing to the functioning of the inspection of the intelligence services. Created by the decree n ° 2014-833 of July 24th, 2014, the inspection of the services of intelligence is in charge of missions of control, d
Since the law n ° 2016-731 of June 3rd, 2016 reinforcing the fight against the organized crime, the terrorism and their financing, and improving the efficiency and the guarantees of the penal procedure, the ministry of justice is among the authorized ministerial departments to set up a service that can use intelligence techniques.
As a priority in the 2018 Action Plan against Terrorism, Prison Intelligence is evolving in its organization and professionalism within the Directorate of Prison Administration and must be transformed into a service with national jurisdiction under the hierarchical authority of the Director. Prison administration in the first quarter of 2019. This new structure should allow for more efficient operational management of the network and greater parity in relations with intelligence services. Created by Decree No. 2016-1675 of 5 December 2016, the General Inspectorate of Justice, characterized by the multidisciplinarity of its members, can be seized by the Minister of Justice of a mission relating to prison intelligence, including in an interdepartmental framework. On the other hand, none of its members can be appointed as part of a mission entrusted to the inspection of the intelligence services, which is detrimental especially when it comes to conducting investigations on all or part of the criminal justice system. concerned by the mission.
The amendment is part of a community intelligence dimension, further strengthening the transversality of the intelligence services inspection. It broadens the pool of inspectors made available to the Prime Minister without questioning the resources of the ministries.
The Minister of Culture presented a communication on the results of the European Heritage Days. More than 12 million visitors, across the territory, were welcomed in nearly 16,000 sites and monuments on the occasion of this 35 th edition of the European Heritage Days under the theme "The Art of Sharing".
Celebrated in fifty european countries, these european heritage Days provided an opportunity, in time for a weekend, to highlight the role of heritage in the development of a common european identity, to understand, to the european citizens, that brings them together and what their heritage has common or specific. This 35 th edition is a acuity all the more peculiar that the year 2018 has been proclaimed the european Year of cultural heritage.
With approximately 1,900 sites opened for the first time or in exceptional circumstances, and more than 24 000 animations available to the public, the success of massive of this 35th edition has been made possible thanks to the involvement of all those, public and private landowners, professionals, volunteers, patrons, associations, enthusiasts and local and regional authorities, who commit themselves, alongside the State, for the transmission and the safeguarding of the heritage. This year, the european heritage Days have brought a particular light on the buildings designated ” heritage in danger “. These last, who will benefit from the funds from the lottery heritage, have been identified in the framework of the mission entrusted by the President of the Republic, Mr Stéphane BERN, with the support of the heritage Foundation, and the services of the ministry of culture. Thus, the draw of the special lottery on Friday September 14, has attracted the participation of more than 2.5 million players, that is 30 % of the players more than for a draw as usual, reflecting a new interest group for this national cause which is the preservation of our heritage. More than 20 % of the 12 million tickets scratch cards which will go on sale by the end of the year 2018 have already been passed in less than two weeks. The share of the profits of the lotto and scratch card gaming proceeds to the State will support 269 projects identified as priorities, including 18 flagship projects located in each region of France. They will complement the 326 million euros and some 6,000 to restore operations that are driven each year by the conservation of regional historical monuments, under the auspices of the ministry of culture.
Finally, on Friday, 14 September, on the eve of the Day, nearly 23 000 students from 900 classrooms have contributed to the success of the first edition generalized on the national plan of the operation ” Children’s heritage “, implemented with the partnership of the national federation of councils for architecture, urbanism and the environment. This extension to the whole territory of the operation up to this day limited to the region of Île-de-France reflects one of the priorities of the ministry of culture : the awakening, from the earliest age, through access to the wealth of cultural heritage.
Heart that is sensitive to the identity of the country, national cause, collective project, the heritage is a strong element in the revitalization of the territories. By the commitment to sustain the lottery, the State shall complete its political heritage by supporting new avenues of participation and funding.
The Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation presented a paper on the start of the academic year.
Between September and October, nearly 2,700,000 students return to higher education institutions in France. From this year, they are better welcomed and better accompanied by the implementation of the student plan. The Government has made access to and success in higher education a top priority, both in terms of pedagogy, personalization of courses and in terms of material conditions of study, with a net reduction in the cost of the 2018 school year.
The first objective of the student plan is to promote success in higher education, at a time when two out of three students fail or give up at the end of the first year of the license. This endemic failure is mainly due to insufficiently prepared and accompanied guidance, which led too many students to make default choices or to engage in training without being fully aware of the reality of the teaching that was there. exemption.
The students who enter this year in higher education are pioneers: they are the first to have benefited from a true accompaniment throughout the year of terminal, thanks to the doubling of the principal professors, the creation of two dedicated weeks the orientation and all the information and services offered directly on Parcoursup.
This support is extended throughout their schooling, since it is now training that adapts to the profiles of their students, not the other way around. 135,000 personalized courses have been offered via the Parcoursup platform. They are reflected in particular by adapting the pace of study for each student, who may have the time and lessons needed to consolidate their learning or methodology, but also by building bridges between courses, so that students who reorient themselves are no longer in a situation of failure.
This paradigm shift has also begun in the first year of common health studies (PACES), thanks to an experiment launched at the beginning of the school year in conjunction with the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. In four institutions, students who are not admitted to the second year of PACES will not repeat, but will continue their studies in the second year of the license. They will be able to value their achievements and will have another chance, after the second or third year, to join medical studies.
Finally, at the beginning of the 2018 academic year, 104 higher education institutions are part of the "student ambassador" animation network: students in civic service will accompany their comrades entering higher education. In connection with the State Secretariat for Disabled People, a specific section is devoted to supporting students with disabilities. The second part of the law n ° 2018-166 of March 8, 2018 relative to the orientation and the success of the students aims at reducing the failure by improving the material conditions of studies. This is why, with the student plan, the Government has made a strong commitment and the cost of the 2018 school year is down sharply.
As soon as this school year starts, the contribution to the student social security scheme, amounting to 217 euros, is abolished. In parallel, a contribution student and campus life (CVEC), amounting to 90 euros, was set up. In total, this represents a net gain in purchasing power of 100 million euros for all students and their families. For all students at the university, registration fees decrease by 14 euros in License, 13 euros in Master and 11 euros in Doctorate. The price of the university catering ticket is also the subject of an effort: it has been frozen for the third year in a row at 3.25 euros.
An improvement in the quality of service is expected. Thanks to CVEC, nearly € 100 million will be invested directly on campuses to create new health centers, improve access to sport and culture, and fund student life initiatives in the form of participatory budget: students will be able to give their opinion on the future equipment they wish to see develop.
In addition, while each year there were delays and delays in the payment of scholarships, the Regional Centers for Academic and Academic Works (CROUS) undertook, as part of the student plan, to make payment from August 30th. the first month of the scholarship of the year since the student had completed his file before the end of July. This commitment was held: as of September 5, 2018, twice as many scholarships (or 358,000) had actually been paid compared to the same date in 2017. This advance payment is now doubled by a payment commitment to date : from October, all scholarships will be paid before the 5th of each month.
Finally, while access to housing is one of the major physical difficulties faced by students, the Government has given new impetus to mobilization in this area. In connection with the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion, the "80 000 plan" has been launched: it provides 60 000 additional housing for students and 20 000 for young people active over five years. From 2018, thanks to the "Visale" system set up with Action Logement, all students can access a free rental guarantee.
The Council of Ministers adopted the following individual measures:
On the proposal of the Minister of Justice, Minister of Justice:
– Mrs. Bénédicte FAUVARQUE-COSSON, University Professor, is appointed as a State Councilor in ordinary service (exterior tower), as of October 1, 2018;
– Mr. Edouard CRÉPEY, Master of the requests to the Council of State, is named Councilor of State in ordinary service (first inner round), as of October 1, 2018;
– Mr. Benoît BOHNERT, Master of the requests to the Council of State, is named advisor of State in ordinary service (second inner tower), as of October 1, 2018.
On the proposal of the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs:
– Mr. Jean-Michel MARLAUD, Minister Plenipotentiary out of class, is appointed diplomatic adviser of the Government for a period of one year;
– Mr. Jean-François BLAREL, Minister Plenipotentiary out of class, is appointed diplomatic adviser of the Government for a period of one year.
On the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance:
– Mr. Bertrand DUMONT, Senior Civilian Director, is appointed Deputy General Manager of the Treasury Department, effective September 24, 2018.
On the proposal of the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation:
– François HOULLIER, general engineer of bridges, water and forests, is named president of the board of directors of the French Institute of research for the exploitation of the sea.
On a proposal from the Minister of Sports:
– Upon her request, she was terminated as Director of Sports by Mrs. Laurence LEFÈVRE.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please accept our apologies should the grammar and / or sentence structure not be perfect.