Inaugural speech of the director-general to the high-level meeting convened by the secretary-general on the financing of the sustainable development Agenda to 2030

MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories –

Source: imf – News in French

on September 24, 2018Je thank you, Secretary-general Guterres, for having convened this important meeting and for having had the kindness to invite me to speak.I thank you for the excellent work you do in promoting the SDGS, and in preparing the UN to meet the challenges of the XXI century. Please note that you can always rely on the IMF as a reliable ally.We have just heard the words very inspiring . This young woman shows the reason for our presence here today : we ensure that all of the girls and all the boys have a real chance to thrive, to flourish and strengthen their capabilities, who they are and where they come from.Such is the substance of the program of the SDGS : a world free of poverty and deprivation

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EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Apologies should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.