Right to make mistakes: what's changing for businesses

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from English to French – Credits: © Delphotostock – Fotolia.com
To propose "an administration of advice and service" is the objective of the law on a State in the service of a society of trust.
Published in the "Official Journals" on August 11, the text provides the right to regularization in case of error. Thus, a bona fide physical or moral person who has made a mistake for the first time will not be penalized. In case of dispute, it is up to the administration to prove the bad faith or the fraud of the user.
Companies can also ask to be checked and, in case of error, can regularize the situation under the "right to make mistakes".
Mediation is generalized to all Urssaf and the rule of the maximum duration of a Urssaf control (3 months) for 3 years is extended to companies with less than 20 employees.
Other measures concern:
the paycheck of the seasonals and fixed-term contracts, the new procedures of social rescript, the reinforcement of the rules of publication and opposability of the circulars, the withholding at the source.
Clarifications will be made in the decrees published later.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and / or sentence structure not be perfect.