#EGalim clôture : une réflexion partagée pour la construction de solutions nouvelles

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from English to French –
Launched five months ago, the Etats Généraux de l'Alimentation allowed all stakeholders to work together. The 21st of December marked the time of the restitutions and the adoption of the main orientations. The Prime Minister has defined three axes to reform the French agricultural model.
France is a big agricultural country. It is one of the few nations able to ensure food self-sufficiency with 90% of the food consumed produced in its territories. European leader in agriculture, fisheries and agribusiness, it has the largest agricultural area in Europe and ranks first in agricultural production.
EGalim: key figures
However, the French agricultural model is no longer satisfactory. the issues are complex: how to avoid over and / or under production? How to guarantee producer prices? How to deal with price volatility, especially lower prices? How to feed low cost with quality products without health and environmental risks? … So many questions that have arisen the actors of the States General Food during their 5 months of work.
The summary of the Etats Généraux de l'Alimentation: see the 2018-2022 roadmap
A bill for three challenges
In his closing speech, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe announced the tabling of a bill in early 2018 to initiate this major reform. The goal is threefold:
1. Develop value creation in French industries and allow a fair remuneration of its actors, especially producers, a large part of which can not cover the costs of production. Thus, sector plans set targets for the development of contracting on these new bases, to achieve a more equitable distribution of value for the benefit of farmers.
The bill will better regulate commercial relations, contracting rules and the legal environment of companies. To combat the decline in producers' incomes, the bill will contain measures in their favor, such as:
le relèvement du seuil de revente à perte de 10 % pour prendre en compte les coûts logistiques et de transports.
l’encadrement des promotions qui ne pourront porter au maximum que sur un tiers (34%) de la valeur des produits, 25 % du volume vendu par an.
> See all the measures on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture
[to] the States General, it is the shared finding that the price war in the large retailers destroys the value. For farmers, agribusiness SMEs. [But] also for commerce, distribution and consumers, deprived of the development of new products and innovation. The creation and distribution of value go hand in hand.
Édouard Philippe
Prime Minister
2. Develop plans for agricultural value chains
To accompany the transformation of production models, "die plans" are placed. Each sector will have to make efforts, on the margins, the prices, on the collective organization …. The device must make it possible to arrive at internal restructurings to the inter-professional organizations, objectives of rise in range on the bio, on the signs quality, environmental and societal goals, agricultural research programs, investment targeting, etc.
New value chain contracts will focus on a better distribution of value, bio, quality, animal welfare. All these topics are at the heart of consumer expectations.
> See all the measures on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture
Several sectors propose to reorganize themselves following the Etats Généraux to bring together all the economic operators in the inter-professions. […] They make the commitment to develop contracting, producer organizations and new indicators to better take into account the costs of agricultural production.
Édouard Philippe
Prime Minister
3. Respond to new consumer expectations
Today's consumers are increasingly turning to products that guarantee healthy and even ecological food. Increasingly demanding on the origin and quality of products, they are concerned with clear information on the composition of food.
Among the measures decided:
Improved consumer information at the time of purchase with complete but simple digital labeling. Awareness of food waste through effective communication, but also through the extension of the distribution policy to needy audiences.
In terms of organic production, the Prime Minister said that:
l’objectif de 50% de produits bio, locaux ou écologiques dans la restauration collective d’ici la fin du quinquennat, sera inscrite dans la loi.
un plan de développement de l’agriculture bio sera annoncé par le Gouvernement d’ici la fin du premier trimestre 2018.
la surface agricole utile pour le bio devrait doubler d’ici à 2022 : 15 % contre 6,5 % aujourd’hui. Avec pour objectif 30% en 2030.
Un plan d’élimination progressive des pesticides (dont le glyphosate) sera précisé à la fin du 1er trimestre 2018.
> See all the measures on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture
#EGalim en clair !
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and / or sentence structure not be perfect.