the Large investment plan : € 57 billion of public investment over the five year period

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
The Prime minister has detailed the ambitions and the content of the Grand plan of investment (GPI), on 25 September, following the submission of the report by Jean Pisani-Ferry on the means and distribution of this plan. On the five year, € 57 billion of public investment will be devoted to the ecological transition, vocational training, innovation and the transformation of public action.
Strong axis of the campaign of Emmanuel Macron, the Great Plan of Investment (GPI) is the concrete translation of its commitments in terms of support for public investment. The GPI will engage 57 billion euros over the duration of the quinquennium, or a greater than expected amount because the initial commitment was about 50 billion euros.
The GPI will focus on the public policies most strategic for the transformation of our country :
20 billion euros mobilized to accelerate the energy transition
For example, 9 billion euros will be allocated to improve the energy efficiency of homes of low-income households and public buildings.
15 billion euros devoted to the professional training
An investment whose objective is to fight against mass unemployment, which primarily affects the assets the less skilled.
“We will train and accompany on the way to the employment a million low-skilled unemployed, and one million of young dropouts”
Édouard Philippe
Prime minister
13 billion euros dedicated to financing innovation
Finance innovation, which will strengthen our competitiveness. The GPI will be, for example, mobilized to the tune of € 3.5 billion to create large integrated universities rank in the world. And 4.6 billion euros will be invested in sectors of the future : artificial intelligence, big data, nanotechnology, cyber-security.
9 billion euros dedicated to the digital transformation of public action
An investment to make it more simple and more accessible public services, and to optimize the public expense. For example, in a 4.9 billion euro will be dedicated to the digitisation of our health system and social protection.
In addition, the GPI will fund for a total of 10 billion euros, the “PIA 3”, the 3rd component of the Program investments for the future, which had been announced in 2016 by the previous Government but had not been featuring in the credits.
This investment plan is not going to not the public deficit
The funding of the ISG will be provided by :
of loans, equity or guarantee funds, in particular thanks to an exceptional mobilization of the deposits, to the tune of 11 billion euros
Presentation of the Great Investment Plan
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.