the The employer must provide the employee a work equipment adapted

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
Credits : © ONYXprj –
The employer must make available to the employee for work equipment suitable for the work to be done. Failing that, in the event of an accident, he may be sentenced criminally. This is recalled by a decision of the Court of cassation of 6 march 2018.
During the execution of a maintenance yard of the banks of a river, an employee at the wheel of a loader tractait a tree trunk on a slope. The craft had tilted to the side, crushing its rider.
The court of appeal had convicted the employer for involuntary manslaughter and breach of the rules on the safety of the workers. It was felt that the material was not adapted to the work carried out given the layout of the premises and that he had been used to a job for which it was not.
Its decision is confirmed by the Court of cassation. It considers that the employer must make available to employees a material appropriate to the work to be done, according to the concrete conditions of the construction site. It is not enough that it conform to the regulations and checked regularly. The employer must personally ensure the strict application of legal provisions in terms of hygiene and safety.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.