Lothar rubbed seeds: care workers are a scarce resource, therefore, they should only be used for appropriate tasks

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Germany / Germany –

Source: CDU, CSU,

Dear Madam President! Ladies and gentlemen, Although we have doubled the number of nursing personnel in Germany since the introduction of the care insurance, we have a Problem, and here we are, due to the demographic development only at the beginning. That is why it is important that we proceed with the legislation as a further step on the way to the solution of the problem.

In the three approaches, which is addressed in this law. Firstly, it is important to make the nursing profession even more attractive

(Applause from the CDU/CSU)

The second point is that nurses are a scarce commodity. Therefore, it is addressed in this law that we use them only for appropriate tasks and not for auxiliary tasks and for any of the services.

The third point is that All this must be financed. That is why it is right that we put the hospitals with this act in the position to Finance the points I have raised: by a full rate of compensation in care, through the financing of any additional force, which we set in the care.

But there is also the question: Why was this way of action, by demographics apart? Yes, we have to admit – I am no opponent of DRGs – is that the case was a flat-rate system in the field of nursing is a sharp sword, and, in particular, the care of including suffered.

If we transfer the cost of the care in a Budget, the house will be determined on an individual basis, then we can correct the error in this way – that’s right –

I think last, in particular, to the subject Residence. Imagine, today, we would have to take for the Residence, the care days of 15 years ago. Then we would not talk of a nursing shortage, but a maintenance disaster.

(Harald Weinberg [LEFT]: What does that have to do with the case-based lump sums?)

That’s why we don’t have to put in the new world of care funding, the right incentives, so that we are again in the future Vice versa.

It is true that we optimize processes, we continue what we have done in the last 15 years. I have already indicated: By digitizing, through the division of labour by process innovations in care, we can relieve the nursing profession.

Structures have been improved. We have not mentioned the countries that fail to meet their obligation in the financing of construction measures. In the act, we have provided a multiplication of the structural funds. We will not in the case of structural measures, but in the case of structural improvement and digitization.

I very much hope that we – need to discuss this, we are in the parliamentary procedure very clear – all of the hospitals that have delivered well on the way to now not let you down, because you have financed things out of the savings. The need to stay in the hospitals. And for those who have so far done nothing – there are, we need to create in the future, appropriate incentives, in order to fulfil their tasks and obligations.

The law provides for the possibility of this. I look forward to further parliamentary procedure, to achieve, especially in these points, perhaps even necessary-adjustment in the law. – Thank You Very Much.

(Applause from the CDU/CSU)


EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure need be perfect.