Business Mobilization for the Territories

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from English to French – Published July 17, 2018
Category: Economy, Finance and Industry, Education, Higher Education and Research, Youth
Elysée – Tuesday, July 17th, 2018
Thank you very much. Thank you to all of you.
This is not a speech where I will come to make announcements and it is not classic for an event at the Elysee where many of you can sometimes meet to hear a policy reform speech that they drive or measures they would have or to undergo or accompany; on the contrary. I am simply here first and foremost to say thank you.
There are in this room – I recognize the familiar faces – first several government ministers and not least, public policy makers in the administration, important, social partners, leaders of employers' federations or employees extremely important, business leaders of the 100 largest French companies and major investors are present in this room, leaders of associations, young people, and our elected representatives of the Republic who took on their time.
I have rarely seen such a meeting at this level, I tell you very sincerely because often, when we make events of this type, forgive me this frankness, even when we are President of the Republic, often we have the numbers three or four, very quickly it fray. You are there at the highest level, you took your time, and sometimes your convalescences, thank you to the "square" – dear Patrick – to be present today. It means something. Not just for me; it also means something of the collective awareness that there is in the country.
The second thing is that, many reminded, they started to engage after the 2005 riots, because something had happened in the country. This time, we do it before. That does not mean that all is well, we must not be wrong, but we are a country a little particular who knows how to recover, do things in depth when he realizes that he is sometimes on the precipice. Things are going, in some parts of the Republic, badly, the fractures have reopened, but this time we did not wait for riots all over the country to mobilize us, and your presence today For me, it is physically, concretely, and so we need this commitment.
Then, through this mobilization, we show, I believe, something that is also part of what is the reinvention of public action. And let me share on this point, some convictions. We only speak in our country about laws. They are very important, some are being brought to Parliament, others are getting there, others have been conducted it gives the framework, a law. But once the law is over, we forget everything. And there is in public action, in a way, very little attention put to execution, to implementation. What you talked about today is just that, and all the business leaders, the association leaders, knew one thing: the strategy, the definition of it, its statement, is very well, but finally it's 10% of the work; 90% is the execution. If the execution is out of step with what we announced, it's over.
It's the same in public action. We can make big announcements, big plans, we made piles and lots, everyone has forgotten, I refused to do for neighborhoods. What matters is concrete action. We are also shaking up this cleavage, and the presence of parliamentarians shows this collective reinvention. It is not the law that counts, it is public action, what the sovereign people demand is this continuum.
The second thing is that this issue will not be dealt with by public leaders, it is processed through the Nation – it is for this reason that this meeting has its proper place here – the Government, the Parliament, the economic operators, social players, the legitimate representatives that are the social partners. It is this set which can provide a concrete answer with our elected representatives of the territories, with the whole of the territorial communities, which constitutes the very heart of the Nation. And the fact that you are here to engage you, and in introducing the first elements, the first advanced on this subject, for me reflects this awareness, and another cleavage that is done, by doing this jump.
The other cleavage that we upset, this is the one that exists, which I never believed, I recalled before the Congress, between the economic and the social. It is a funny country where you think that, when we love the employees, it is necessary to hate the company, when we like the social, it would be necessary to prevent economic success. But we must not forget that there are also many places where the economic success has forgotten the success region, the rest of the company. It is for this reason that I believe in this set, I wanted to translate it in this image of the rope, it is displeasing to many, so I’ll continue to use it, because I find that she is talking about. The rope, there is one that climbs up the front ! It is rare, for those who are really climbing, it is the one that really pulls those behind. It shows the taken. But finally, this is not the first team that pulls the other over the rope ! Everyone should go, surface roughness after surface roughness, make its own decision ! But someone has opened the way. However generally, there’s always one who ensures to a rope. And this is not the first time that provides.
I say this because a company that does not have its first climber, who has not of people who get to pave the way in an economic sector, social innovation, do not go up the wall
The battle that we are in the process of deliver all and all, this awareness that there was and that justifies your presence, your commitments, the actions which have been announced today, beyond what has been presented – really, I thank everyone for that – it’s also the shared belief that a country can’t succeed when just a few are successful. It is necessary that there are some who are successful who are able to continue to open up channels, but there is a need for everyone in the world finds its place. According to his merits and his talents – it is our Constitution, and even our fundamental principles – but something is wrong when it becomes an automatic right – the right of debt which is also at this time that is totally abstract – and something is not going to be as, to merit and talent are equivalent, according to the place or the family, or skin color, or surname, it does not have the same opportunities of access.
I consider that what we have started to open, within the framework of "France: a chance for everyone", with this commitment of companies, by your presence, the announcements today, a new method, the desire to to have a project that is both economically powerful, but fair. And it is economically powerful because it is right, and vice versa. And it will only hold like that. The French way that I wish collectively for us is this one. There is not a modernity that would be the success of a few, it's never cheesy to think that success allows a place for everyone. We are inventing it in a new way, that is to say by reciprocal commitments, by concrete action, and not by a binding framework where it would be necessary to somehow define laws that would allow in a way, in return for such a tax or budgetary breakthrough, to have such social counterpart; it does not work like that, a society. It's a mutual commitment.
What happened during the first year of this mandate is a framework that has been given on the economic, social, educational level to allow society to start again in a fight that is one of an economy of the world. innovation and competence. We have changed the tax rules to be able to reinvest in capital in the French economy; we have simplified a lot of things, we have taken the orders Labor to restore fluidity, we are in the process of passing laws on vocational training and apprenticeship, we will continue this acceleration with the law PACTE, especially for the business growth, educational provision has been made to help train especially in the most difficult places in the Republic, with a continuum from the age of three to access to the Superior, and a principle that is also transparency, meritocracy, the quality of training, and policy decisions have also been made on disability policy, to enable mobility through access to education and work.
But given this framework, it can only work if there is your commitment to give it life. And that's what you presented today, and that's why I started with these thanks.
There may be three things, quickly, that I wanted to return, without be longer because they are at the heart of this battle and what we need to succeed in the coming months. And the ministers have referred to the moment some.
The first is the battle for training, mentoring, access in a way … education and access to working life. I do not come back on what was done, on the side of the state, which is the basic component, because when we do not train well, when we have 20% of young people who can not read well or writing or counting in CM2, there is little chance that it will happen by asking companies to hire them. It is because we, ourselves, have been defective in what is the responsibility of the Nation, and in particular of the Government.
We are in the process of correcting it, to also put in place devices allowing a better orientation. But I consider that the orientation, it was very well said by several of you, supposes a gateway of opening at the time of the 3rd. As we have seen when there was a lot of work done in recent months by Jean-Louis BORLOO, by the presidential council of the city, by all these consultations that were done in the field, the internship The third, which was thought a few decades ago as something very anecdotal, has become an extremely important point, especially in the most difficult parts of the Republic. Because he puts his finger on two terrible things in these neighborhoods, which are both rural and urban neighborhoods, and here too, opposing the territories is a rearguard battle! There are the territories that are most fortunate, there are the territories that have less. And the truth is rather: metropolitan territory versus rest … rest of the country today.
But the two points that are highlighted through the subject of internships, it is firstly the network effect, you said it very well, when one does not have family networks, one can not have to have the same courses as the others, or we can not get any. And it becomes a shame, and the first thing that mothers talk to you in the neighborhoods, they say it so bluntly that I will say it: "Me, it is out of question that my son goes to do his internship at the kebab of the Street corner ". Because that's how it happens today. That's how it happens.
The second thing is that it feeds one of the leprosy that gnaws our neighborhoods and these places of the Republic: it is self-censorship. We must collectively touch a reality: it is that we have today, in the youth of the country, the first generation, sometimes both parents have never worked. Not because they chose! Because they come from territories, from families that have been shattered by the economic and social crisis that began in the mid-1970s. It never happened in the history of our country before. Never. Unemployment was an anomaly and an economic and social marginality until the mid-1970s, then we talked about the crisis, thinking that it was an unstable state that we were going out. Today, you have the first generation of young people and they are hyper-concentrated in poor neighborhoods, which have a relationship to work, to the world of work that is not the same as in the rest of the country! That with other generations because society imposed them.
So, if we do not put the maximum chances … We can not put them back to perfect fairness, but if we do not give them back this bridge, we multiply these effects of inequality, this unraveling for all of us, because there is no successful enterprise in the country, if the country settles durably in this situation.
The 3rd year internship is a battle that is anything but anecdotal, because it is to rebuild the network, in parallel, it is to reconstruct the possibility, the openings of perspective, the informal advice, the elements that do not bring school but that will be decisive. There are your initiatives, you have very well recalled, even on what you have already done, the desire that we had to multiply it together; the minister immediately recalled the opening today, therefore, the site, and I can already tell you that today, we are at the rendezvous of the commitment made on May 22 last 30.000 courses with the offers that you confirmed for today; On the private side, we are even over 15,000 private, I made the commitment that we would do the equivalent on the public side, and so we have 15,000 internships public. They will be gradually put on line on this site, and there will be, by September 15th, 30.000 offers of internships, and I think in fact much more because it is necessary to continue to multiply this initiative so that, at the end of year – since it is usually in December or January, it depends on the academies, that these courses of 3rd are made, much in December – and so that all those which did not have an internship or can not the having their own network, can access this common platform on this site, and that is thanks to your collective commitment, and I thank you for it.
Then, it is very important to seize the instruments that are given; the Government is fighting over important texts on both the orientation – it is implemented with Parcoursup, and the text has been voted – and now on vocational training and apprenticeship. But here too, the challenge is going to be execution. And it is important that as soon as the next school year comes, we can have a strong investment – you have called it back and you have taken several initiatives, I thank you for it – to open centers, reopen, there are lots of jobs that are developing, you have reminded us of the very traditional trades that we need again on which we have shortages, trades related to the boom, the fiber for example, we see that we have a shortage of hand- Today, because the operators are relaunching, we have trades that are related to the industry of the future, which are linked to the boom that our service industries also have around the world; so in all sectors today, we have, we can see, needs of qualification that are not sufficiently provided.
We are improving our collective GPEC organization. It is necessary that we have, at the beginning of the season, initiatives that allow for all our young people who are moving towards these trades, offers that correspond precisely to their request. I speak under the control of the Minister of National Education, there is an increase, there, when we look at the wishes, for the graduates of this year, about 40% who go to the trades – apprenticeship – alternation – sectors professional and technological.
This is true for the Bac, it's true for entry into high school as soon as the next academic year; it means something is happening. We have, through collective mobilization, the discourse carried, there also raised a stigma that was focused on these sectors, but we must have the capacity to offer training, jobs, or precisely structures for learning or alternation in this context. This is also the point on which you are needed, and I believe a lot – it has been presented by many of you – to this logic, indeed, campus trades and territorialized campus. We are going to bring it, on the National Education side, on the Ministry of Labor side, but it has to be carried in the different branches by the big companies that are leaders in these branches, because that is what will enable a on the one hand, to recreate real training initiatives on the jobs of tomorrow and the trades in tension, and that is what will allow to install the training offer, also, everywhere on the territory.
It is very difficult for a modest family to say "there is an opportunity in this business, but you must necessarily go to do the training in Paris", or "it must necessarily be done at this or that place". The more we come to have campus logics where we also recreates the boarding school, where we recreate innovation in the organization that is not necessarily in the metropolis, the more we have a policy that allows rebalancing the territories , which is consistent with what we want to do with elected officials, which also reduces the cost of land, access to housing for young people who follow these courses, and which allows to have ambitious projects – I think of Egletons, which was done on public works or in others – which then allow to network what the partners do, what the social partners do, the private companies, the federations, the State, National Education, etc., etc.
So I hope we can leverage these initiatives. These business campuses are, in my eyes, one of the extremely powerful elements, with a point above, I make the commitment here – we will make, on all these requests, a rendezvous point at the end of September – beginning of October to be able to adjust our own collective organization to requests that would not be filled on the training side or applications for internships, apprenticeships, or work-study contracts, because in the law that will be voted in the next weeks, there is an innovation: it is that we broke with something that became a little absurd, it is the cyclicality of learning; there is nothing to justify starting an apprenticeship contract in September and waiting until September if you do not have one. And so as we can readjust during the year, school life or university, we will do it by readjusting things with you to, there too, provide an answer to the youngest.
Then there's everything we want to do together and you announced on the mentorship, which is done by NQT, Article 1, Telemachus. I hope that we can reach the end of this commitment on the 100,000 young people, but that we can try to accelerate it and aim for an objective because we will provide support ourselves, I hope that we can mobilize businesses ; let's try to have a meeting point at the end of 2020, because the end of the five-year period is never a good rendezvous point, I can not report it. It's … it's too easy as a commitment. So we will accelerate it so that together we can try to have something that is just evaluable, measurable.
This is for me the first essential element: training, mentoring, internship, on which the commitments made today and what we must advance is concrete.
The second element is recruitment. It's the ability to get a job, with all the difficulties we know. Again, we started to give a frame; I consider that the macroeconomic reforms of labor are favorable for all that one says oneself, there would not be two subjects. Because the first victims of dysfunctions of the labor market, it is the young people in particular the young low qualified which come from the most difficult districts. People who are well qualified and come from beautiful neighborhoods had no problem with the functioning of the labor market until a year ago. No ! They had an unemployment rate that was said to be "frictional"!
The heart of the problem was in the difficult places of the Republic; proof, if need be, that true social policies are effective economic policies. And now, we have to make it work and provide concrete demonstration in all sectors, all trades, seizing instruments and also having a real policy, branch by branch, which allows to negotiate precisely the hirings that are relevant and to provide this answer, to use new flexibilities.
I think there are some things that we can do better. First of all, we set up free jobs in an experimental way for this year, but which are very powerful because by removing all the conditions that had sterilized the previous instruments, we set up a device that massively reduces the cost for the employer, and who benefits enormously the employee, for people who come from the toughest neighborhoods. I believe in this policy a lot, because it is a bit against what has always been done in city politics for decades. It is not a house arrest policy that says "we will help companies that come to put a mailbox in the neighborhood," most of the time not hiring young people in the neighborhood, but "we will help the young and old who come from the neighborhood to find a job, including outside the neighborhood! And it's often better! And that's often what they want! And so it is a real policy that is attached to the person, which allows the mobility that accompanies.
I hope that we can as quickly as possible, multiply this initiative, but it also needs your mobilization, but with a point that I could note very practically-practical and that is not included in the laws – and in that, I really want to acknowledge what you have started to announce today: Mozaik RH, which also makes Face, with the initiative especially for Mozaik, of the platform "diversify your talents", which is done at the University of Evry; you have here, in the room, several presidents of universities or associations who are engaged in this direction; it's about putting in place platforms that bring people from the most disadvantaged neighborhoods closer to employers. Because we are creating instruments that are all right, but the employers were coming back to us saying, "But we do not know where the young people are in these situations. Our systems are not made to pick them up and besides we do not have … Our main concern, we want to take, but not to pick them, identify them.
With these associations, and in particular the "diversify your talents" platform, we are putting in place prototypes, precisely, a better link between supply and demand, and so I think we will be able to activate this device. I also hope that we have a meeting point in the fall on this subject, and if we can, as we did for internships, leverage it by a kind of national platform where the Government supports it, we will do it so that everyone has a sort of common job exchange with the young people and the jobs coming from these neighborhoods, in order to be able to identify them and to multiply the initiatives which are taken or locally or on certain sectors.
And then, finally on the subject of recruitment, there is the testing that was mentioned by the Minister, I am very anxious. In other times, I had launched it on the payment deadlines. This is an effective practice, because it stimulates everyone, and so from September, we will start testing on 40 SBF 120 companies, and I think after that, it has to become a rather ritualized process. which is a collective learning process, with a goal that in three years when we have done some sort of testing on all companies, we do not need it anymore because it becomes a positive and integrated element.
My conviction – and it was very well said by many of you – is that when we hire young people from neighborhoods called "in difficulty", when we hire profiles that are less in the standard of what is the company, when we hire young people or older people who are handicapped and reintegrated by work, we enrich the company. And I think it's a vision of the mind to consider that there would be technological innovation without social innovation. It's wrong. Companies that, in a way, are reduced to all of them by the standard, and therefore the average, are companies that are less innovative, often technologically, and less socially innovative. They make a lot of breaks around, but a moment ago, in an economy of innovation and skill, they end up losing.
I believe that on the subject of recruitment, this is what we must collectively establish, and I hope that the big investors will be able to value these practices, and I hope that there can be transparency here too. ! We do it on a lot of other topics, I see big investors Asset managers in the room, I think it would be very virtuous on this subject, we're doing it on the climate, only on the subject of " inclusion "as we say, or the ability to have an ambitious social policy, we can have, here too, much more transparency.
And then, finally, there is the subject of investment, and here I salute the action that has been taken by many companies, there are the construction companies that have done so also by putting the social integration clauses of public contracts. What the Solideo charter, for example, has done, which is unprecedented, accounts for 10% of the hours worked for social inclusion, which will make it possible for the preparation of the OG 2024 to be exemplary, it has never been done . This morning in the meeting with the social partners we could evoke this subject, it is an example, it has never been done in the preparations for the Olympics and France will be at the forefront on this subject. I hope that we can increase the number of examples of social innovation precisely through investment.
Again the ADIVE is at the forefront of the reflection on this topic with the choice of purchase impacting, it was mentioned at the moment and I think everyone left their card to participate in the initiative. It is by doing this that we will be able to have a policy that is relevant both socially and territorially because we will not succeed in making the country succeed if there are only a few in the metropolis. I believe very deeply that by this investment policy, acceleration of private investment, expansion of its criteria by clauses and innovations such as those we have just done or that the ADIVE bears to deal with much of the problem we have today.
We ourselves will commit ourselves to simplify our instruments and improve them, BPI France will integrate the Agence France Entrepreneur on January 1st, 2019 and become a major operator in support of business creation and the promotion of entrepreneurship in coordination. with all the associative partners, support networks and entrepreneurs from the neighborhoods that I want here all to salute at the same time to show that it should not be a periphery of the public action, it is at the heart of the mission BPI does this for all entrepreneurs. Basically, I do not see why we would have an instrument that is supposed to be very effective at the heart of our priorities because it finances startups and we would have to have another peripheral instrument that is less clear, more approximate because it pretends that finances neighborhood entrepreneurship.
There is an entrepreneurship in France, there is innovation everywhere, it is more or less technological and therefore it is coherent that there is a matrix. There has been a remarkable job done by the Agence France Entrepreneur and I think it will be a way of multiplying it than to put it in the bosom of BPI France. We have launched a call for projects French Tech Diversity to support entrepreneurs from all walks of life and we will further promote in the Pact Act investments in SMEs and ETI on this topic. And so it is a synergy, a simplification of the device, which will allow for networks and associations to have I think a much simpler operation, to have access also to a system of guarantees and funds much more powerful and which will allow us to be more coherent and to accompany also all the devices which work but which wish today that one multiplies their impact. I think of IMPACT Partners, Citizen Capital, and Outre Mer Network, we talked about it, and so, by the way, we will go and move forward and I think that this is how we can really have concrete results. .
Today there has been beyond what has been presented very concrete commitments that have been made and will all be made transparent by companies like DANONE, L'OREAL, BNP Paribas, ADECCO, ACCOR, TOTAL, ORANGE and I probably forget, federations, I would like to welcome the commitment of the French Building Federation also which proposes to recruit 15,000 young builders of the future from the so-called priority areas of the city, the National Federation of Public Works that I mentioned but all the trades also craft that are here and engage and associations that I have already cited and who have strongly mobilized.
What we did today we will do it again. I will continue to engage in this same form and I need you at this level because it is a battle against time and against the slippage, the doubt, the leprosy that is eating away at our democracies today that we are in the process of leading. This battle is not done for one or so or such or such district, it is our country that has failed for decades to have a real educational, economic answer to some of its problems. And so we owe it to ourselves and if we are not able to do so the situation will slip.
I have already said, if we are here today in this house, in a country that has an incredible opportunity to have the rule of law, individual freedoms, growth, social rights to an unequaled level, to be in a Europe that works less badly than we would like to say it is because we are at the epicenter of what has been an aberration in the history of humanity, the crossroads of democracy, progress for the middle classes and a social market economy. This equilibrium is what makes Europe and that is what is constitutive of France, if we forget one point of this triptych we are mistaken. So we can succeed, we can think that we can make the liberal economy deterritorialized. The nomads will succeed but at some point they will put their children somewhere in school, they will have their parents who will live somewhere and normally they will remember who trained them and allowed them to succeed and that is the Republic and they will not be able to live sustainably in a country that is fracturing.
What we are doing, I hope, I believe in it and in any case your commitment today and today's announcements show it is to go beyond a lot of old cleavages that prevented us, I believe that we can be a great country that succeeds in globalization, which has an ambition to be a major industrial platform, to be at the forefront of the economy, innovation and competence, to be at the forefront of the financial economy because we have been trying here to reinvent finance, to be at the forefront of tomorrow's trades and the traditional industries we need, to be a great country of entrepreneurs because we are and it is the DNA of France and at the same time large companies because it is a wealth of France. They are here today, they have agreed to mobilize and I thank them.
We can be all that and be a fairer country not because a law will have said or imposed but because all those who carry this economic dynamic will have understood that it makes sense only if it helps the country to succeed. When a company has difficulties somewhere in the world at that time, she remembers that she is French and she comes to see the President of the Republic or the Government to say "I should be helped on such a contract, such point I want her to remember it every day. When a company or companies, sometimes governments, think that we can succeed to a few without the rest of society, we end up with the democratic dramas we are living in many economies and societies. contemporary. We have a chance, we have not yet fallen on this side, the answer is in our hands collectively and I think today we started to bring a touch of response.
So I wanted to thank you very sincerely for your mobilization, the personal commitment you made because it is a personal commitment that I will continue to make throughout this term and it is the commitment of all the members of the government. And so I hope that with all the public structures, the Caisse des Dépôts, all elected officials, all the companies here and associations we can continue and make every six months a point of progress on things who will have advanced like what does not work. There is actually a network, they will leave their card but we have the addresses since we contacted each and so we go, what I asked the teams is that there can be a permanent follow-up for that there is some form of responsibility.
Every six months there will be an appointment here with you and I wish that every six months you can also make it the agenda, that if a company wants to be able to evoke a subject it has the possibility of doing it If an association, elected officials or any other member of the Government can do this it can be done without any problem, be it a free forum, it is human-sized, of discussions, of responsibilities. There are probably things that will not move fast enough, there are sometimes things that I would have committed that will be a failure but I want us to have these site meetings every six months here in this format- there because I think it's vital for the Nation and I think it makes a lot of sense also for what you do every day.
Here, ladies and gentlemen, what I wanted to say to you, so thank you very much, thank you for your commitment and your mobilization. Now, even the players of the French team say it and especially them and so I can finish my speeches because everyone is proud of it. Long live the Republic ! Long live France !
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please accept our apologies should the grammar and / or sentence structure not be perfect.