Parcoursup : what are the specific procedures for candidates with disabilities ?

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
Credits : © Ministry of national Education
In the framework of the procedure Parcoursup allowing high school students to enroll in higher education, the ministry of higher Education, Research and Innovation reminds us that candidates with disabilities can post until 31 march 2018, their particular circumstances (disability, needs) to the level of the topic Elements-related to my schooling of their application online, this topic is a space for free expression open to the future high school graduates.
Furthermore, following the law of 8 march, 2018 on the direction and success of the students, a decree should be published by the end of may 2018, providing candidates with disabilities the opportunity to enter the rector, when they have not obtained a satisfactory response in relation to their specific needs.
Namely :
When it will be put in place, this right of referral particular the rector of the academy must allow candidates with a disability :
ask for reconsideration of their situation
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.