National Plan to Combat Racism and Anti-Semitism: 21 Steps to Continue the Fight

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from English to French –
"Our duty is to continue the fight, to continue it by adapting it". On the occasion of the Education and Action Against Racism and Anti-Semitism Week, Édouard Philippe, Prime Minister, presented on March 19 a national plan to combat racism and anti-Semitism (2018-2020) .
Presented by the Government at the end of the Interministerial Committee, the plan is organized around four fights and is divided into twenty-one measures. Focus on flagship measures.
1st fight: fighting hatred on the internetFace with the development of social networks and video sharing platforms, the plan proposes ambitious measures to modify the European and national legislation in order to stop the dissemination of hatred on the internet. At the national level, concrete solutions that comply with the legal regime applicable to digital platforms will be introduced, including: the obligation of legal representation in France, the transparency of platform moderation efforts, the simplicity of the digital illicit content and the closing of anonymous accounts which broadcast illegal content.
2nd fight: educating against racism and anti-SemitismThe School of the Republic is at the heart of the plan with its mission to educate children by giving them the means to access critical thinking. Thus, from elementary school, children must know the history and mechanisms of racism and anti-Semitism as well as those of resistance to hatred and extremism, as provided by the programs, particularly in moral and civic education. Higher education and research are also mobilized to improve knowledge and counteract racist and antisemitic phenomena.
3rd fight: protecting the citizens and supporting the victimsIn order to improve the care of the victims, a network of investigators and magistrates specifically trained in the fight against hate victims will be experienced in September 2018. From the end of this first semester , an online pre-complaint system for racist and antisemitic offenses will be operational. In addition, racism and antisemitism and discrimination referents will be designated within the departmental directorates of public security and gendarmerie groups.
4th fight: investing new fields of mobilizationTerritories, public authorities, associations, sports, media and European exchanges are all new fields that must be invested to strengthen the fight against racism, antisemitism and discrimination. The involvement of the sports movement will be at all levels (communication campaigns, educational training and citizens of top athletes …). Concerning the media and communication, the visibility of diversity will be extended. In order to combat the spread of populism and xenophobia in Europe, international and European cooperation and exchange of good practices will be strengthened.
Presentation of the National Plan to Combat Racism and Anti-Semitism
Actions throughout the territory
As part of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination celebrated every year on March 21, Education and Action Against Racism and Anti-Semitism Week is a highlight of the educational community's mobilization and all the partners of the School. Associations, schools and universities, sports clubs and cultural institutions: all are mobilized to reduce hatred and intolerance. A interactive directory lists more than 100 actions (sensitization workshops, exhibitions, live shows, sports activities, introductory workshops on the responsible use of digital technologies, etc.) Note: the National Museum of the History of Immigration s' associated, from March 17 to 25, to the mobilization through a Grand Festival associating legends of rap, stand-up stars and street art, YouTubeurs but also personalities of contemporary dance, cinema, literature.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and / or sentence structure not be perfect.