Reintegration of migrants, and voluntary return : a website dedicated

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
You want to return to your country of origin ? The French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII) is launching a website to answer all your questions and help you in your efforts.
Credits : © OFII – Retourvolontaire first site dedicated to the voluntary return and reintegration, which allows users to obtain, on a single platform, all the necessary information regarding the different types of aid offered by the OFII, the terms and conditions for eligibility, the steps to take and the practical organisation of departure and of arrival.
Three topics practices contibuent :
My final decision – what is the return voluntary ?- What is the role of the OFII ?- Is it that I can request a voluntary return ?- Is it that I can apply for reintegration assistance ?- Where can I find more information ?
Organize my departure – How is organized my trip ?- How much luggage can I bring with me ?- How is my start ?
Back in my country – what happens on my arrival ?- How to put in place the reintegration project ?- When can I start my project ?- How is paid in the form of reintegration assistance ?
We also discover testimonies of beneficiaries, who recount, through a video or an interview written, personal journey.
Namely :
The site was designed along the lines of the belgian Federal Agency for the reception of asylum seekers (Fedasil), following a comparative study of the european sites dedicated to voluntary return. It is translated in part in 17 languages.
What is the OFII ?
Since 2009, the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII), under the tutelage of the ministry of the Interior, is the operator in charge of the integration of migrants during the first five years of their stay in France. In addition, it has tasks in the management of the procedures of the immigration work and family, the national machinery for the reception of applicants for asylum, aid in the return and reintegration participating in the development of solidarity and the fight against illegal work.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.