A “flagship” for the vocational training

MIL OSI Translation. French Polynesian to English –

Source: Government of New Caledonia

The government adopted, on 25 September, a draft of the deliberation of the Congress, which comes to complete its comprehensive reform of the professional insertion. This text proposes the consolidation of three public institutions : the Establishment of vocational training of adults (EFPA), the School of the trades of the sea (EMM) and the Institute for the development of skills in New Caledonia (IDC-NC).

After the reform of the alternation, which was adopted by the elected officials of the Congress on 6 September, the project of deliberation voted on by the executive has reinforced its employment strategy-employability, launched in 2015. It is about combining the EFPA, the EMM and the IDC-CN within a single public interest group dedicated to the inclusion and development professional in New Caledonia (GIEP-NC). Linchpin of this approximation, Jean-Louis Anglebermes, a member of the government in charge of vocational training, saw it as an opportunity to ” rationalize the action in favour of the professional integration, and above all to be more efficient and involve all the actors of the vocational training in a structure that values all stakeholders.”

The objective is, ” to a constant budget, or us $ 1.4 billion in 2019 “, to share the missions and means of these structures within a single organization, to better coordinate the various training activities and to create a continuum in the course of the formation and insertion of new Caledonia.


To ensure a match with the actual needs in training and skills, the GIEP will be organized in thematic priority areas operational, the culmination of poles of excellence sector put in place in the framework of the 10th european development Fund (EDF) : pole industry, transport, logistics, car maintenance to Bourail and Nouville

Thanks to the negotiations with the social partners, the approximately 90 employees of the three structures, which are merging, will join the group. The recruitment of trainers will be also facilitated by the new framework, more flexible than public institutions. After review by the Congress, and the GIEP will be on 1 January 2019, ” the flagship of the New Caledonia in the field of training and occupational insertion “, concluded Jean-Louis Anglebermes.

The organization of the GIEP

The founding members of the GIEP are : New Caledonia, the three provinces, the trade union organisations of employees and employers ‘ organizations jointly, the tasks of integration of young people of the North and South provinces (MLIJPN and MIJ South) and the provincial institution for the employment, training and occupational insertion of the Loyalty islands province (EFEPIP). The State will be associated to, without the right to vote.

The governance of the institution will be ensured by a general assembly held in colleges :

a college institutional (three representatives of the government, a representative of the Congress and one representative per province),
a college of social partners,
a college insertion (MLIJPN, MIJ South, EFEPIP).

It will be chaired by a representative from the college institutional. The director of the GIEP will ensure its operation, under the authority of the general assembly.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.