A brigade digital to contact the gendarmerie in line

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
Credits : © Ministry of the Interior
Problems of neighborhood, a victim of cybercrime, questions on the highway code, council against burglary… Since Tuesday 27 February 2018, you can interact by chat with the brigade digital of the force on all issues of security in everyday life.
Accessible from a computer, a tablet or a phone, the brigade digital of the force meets you 24 hours on 24. For this, you just need to visit :
If you are a foreigner, the brigade digital can you respond also in different languages (German, English, Spanish and Italian). In all cases, once online, you can begin to chat through live chat with a gendarme of the brigade digital.
To note :
On the website of the force, you can also find 600 questions and answers covering many topics (you are the victim, you have information to share, you want to know more about certain administrative procedures, the services of proximity, the regulations in force, the recruitment in the force…).
Attention :
In the event of an emergency, it must nevertheless always call 17 or 112 (or send an SMS to 114 for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing).
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.