A platform for citizens to directly ask questions to the government

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
Credits : © national Assembly
Do you have a question to pose to the government ? Thanks to the platform questions.parlement-ouvert.fr two deputies pose each month four written questions to the government on the basis of the proposals of the citizens.
The past two months during the creation of the device in February 2018 and four, these questions are selected from those which are the most discussed on the platform.
It is not a forum for online discussion with the deputies, but of a space of participatory democracy. This approach is part of the process of modernization of the national Assembly launched in 2017.
How does it work ?
You need to create a user account :Choose “New user”
To note :
He is asked to argue its positions, and to express any comments that are insulting, defamatory, sexist, racist or contrary to public order and the law in force.
Are also prohibited :
the advertising messages and ads
The moderators reserve the right to enforce these rules by deleting the messages offending, without prior notice or prior agreement.
And then ?
The citizens in which the question has been selected are notified by e-mail by the members and their teams (which they may indicate their choice to remain anonymous or not). The questions are filed in the official Journal and a mail is sent to concerned members of the government.
The responses of the ministers are made public and disseminated widely.
Namely :
What is a written question ?
The written and oral questions are the instruments of parliamentary control of the activity of the government of the oldest. Procedures with individual character, they allow the information of members of parliament on punctual subjects and points of news.
To which a member may ask a question ?
Either to a minister or the Prime minister if the topic relates to the general policy of the government.
The average response time is four months.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.