the Meeting of the Committee on family matters, youth policy, sports and tourism

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Poland –

The press service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The meeting of the Committee on family matters, youth policy, sports and tourism (vul. Garden, 3A, Kim. 1016).


1. On awarding the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for youth input in the development of parliamentarism, local self-government in 2019.

2. The draft Law on amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine concerning additional guarantees related to the reconciliation of family and work responsibilities, (reg. No. 9045, The Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraine).

3. Approval of Recommendations of Committee hearings on the topic: “the Access of youth to higher education in Ukraine”.

4. Approval of Recommendations of Committee hearings on the topic: “Protection of children in a war zone and armed conflicts, and children who have suffered as a result of military action and armed conflict”.

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Editor’s NOTE: This article is a translation. Please accept our apologies should the grammar and/or sentence structure will not be perfect.