Author: usuario

Radio Studio-German in Bern – The SSR sacrifices a model of success

Radio Studio-German in Bern – The SSR sacrifices a model of success

MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories – Source: Switzerland – Canton Government of Bern in French Headline: radio Studio-German in Bern – The SSR sacrifices a model of success The canton of Bern the city of Bern, the capital Region of switzerland deem 

Defense commission began study of a project that refines the causal exclusion of the military service

Defense commission began study of a project that refines the causal exclusion of the military service

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Spanish/Latin America/A – Source: Chamber Of Deputies Of Chile The Defence Committee initiated the discussion of the project that seeks to refine the causal exclusion of the conscription in the branches of the Armed Forces, with the object of preventing young 

The lecture discusses challenges and trends of the economy shared in the tourism

The lecture discusses challenges and trends of the economy shared in the tourism

MIL OSI-C. Region: English/Latin America –

Source: Republic of Brazil 2

ABAV EXPOSecretário Qualification and Promotion of Tourism in the MTur, Bob Santos said that the sector is adapting to a new market that combines experience, sharing services and digital tools

By Kiara Goulart and Vanessa SampaioConversa on World Tourism Day addressed technology and shared services in the tourism market. Photo: Kiara Goulart/MTurA the diversification of channels of offer and the standard of the experiences of hosting is a global trend. In a lecture, on the afternoon of Thursday (27) in the largest tourism fair in Brazil – the 46th ABAV Expo in Sao Paulo (SP) – secretary of the Qualification and Promotion of the Ministry of Tourism, Bob Santos, stated that “the scenario of tourism development comes with the two great revolutions of the digital age and the search for the value of the experiences”.For him, “the big challenge is not only to follow the trends and adjust to them, but to understand the impact and effect of this in the life of the people.” He stressed that the share of services has been conquering the market of all sectors, and that tourism is renewed on the basis of these transformations. “The Uber, bikes yellow here in São Paulo and the rental of motorboats in the Lake Paranoá, in Brasilia, are beautiful examples of how the values of behavior and also purchase are going through a revision,” he said.For Santos, the capacity building initiatives of providers of tourist services is crucial to provide experiences that are more aligned to this new scenario of demand of qualified personnel. “One of the great assets of the brazilian tourism, hospitality, pleads in favor of this. We already have that in our DNA, but to improve the competitiveness we need to look today to the future and responding to it immediately,” he said.Bob also noted the casinos as another important market trend for tourism in Brazil. “This is a branch that has a lot to add, although it is still on the agenda of the legislative. But just look at the outside and realize how much they move in tourism to know that we need this factor of competitiveness here,” she pondered.In allusion to the double celebration today, the World Tourism Day and the Day of the Turismólogo, the leader congratulated the commitment of the professionals present to make brazilian tourism a leading market. “You guys turn cities into destinations the smart, moving ideas, undertake projects and make the industry of happiness happen in Brazil. I can only applaud and thank you”, finished.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is the translation. Please accept our apologies should the grammar and/or sentence structure not be perfect.

Adoption of the bill on pension reform

Adoption of the bill on pension reform

MIL OSI Translation. French Polynesian to English – Source: Government of French Polynesia The text on the pension reform was adopted, Friday, at the Assembly of French Polynesia. The text was adopted by 39 votes. In his speech before the vote, the Chairman again explained 

Enactment of the ‘Labour law : freedom of choice for his professional future” by Emmanuel Macron

Enactment of the ‘Labour law : freedom of choice for his professional future” by Emmanuel Macron

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English Look in the videos A list of keyboard shortcuts for the calendar is available in the accessibility page. During the validation of a date or of the output of the field, 

The president receives a “time capsule” of the initiative “National treasure rediscovery” participants

The president receives a “time capsule” of the initiative “National treasure rediscovery” participants

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Latvia –

Source: President of Latvia in English

“Latvia we are each of us – with their knowledge, their deeds and purposes. The project of “National treasure of rediscovery” has provided its members the opportunity to get to know our country’s national treasures throughout their daudzpusībā – both natural values and historical sites and, particularly, provided opportunities to learn about our country important people.Our national strength is our people! Each of us with their works – small and large, who day after day contribute to our country,” stressed the State minister Raimonds Vējonis, speaking for the initiatives of “National treasure of rediscovery” in the final event participants in 2018. 5. September in Jelgava.The event the National president of the initiative, participants received a “time capsule”, with vēlējumu the open country 150. the birth of the day. It has collected more than 200 project participants wishes to Latvia and more than 8000 images from the jaunatklāšanas process, which lasted for three years. “I have double the pleasure and pride to receive this gift for Latvia, as it is for our young people in the coming decades in ways in our country,” said the president.The country’s president, mrs Iveta Vējone, which this project is patroness of the initiative final event, thanked the children, young people, teachers and supporters for the work involved, as well noted that every participant has certainly become richer, in their own eyes seen the Latvian brīnišķīgākās places and their ears heard aizraujošākos stories that make up our Latvia. “Photographs, stories and vēlējumos all together, you’ve prepared a wonderful gift to the state for the next 100 years and is a true pleasure that the Latvian national treasure heritage will remain for future generations. So from the heart I hope that your curiosity has increased your sense of belonging to Latvia and are proud to say – here is my Latvia!!!”, noted Iveta Vējones the lady.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us if the grammar and / or sentence structure is not perfect.

The national president of the accredited to Finland, Poland, Norway and the Slovak ambassadors for work in Latvia

The national president of the accredited to Finland, Poland, Norway and the Slovak ambassadors for work in Latvia

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Latvia – Source: President of Latvia in English 2018. on 4. in September the State minister Raimonds Vējonis work in Latvia in a solemn ceremony in the Riga castle was accredited by the Finnish, the Polish, Norwegian and Slovak, in exceptional 

Presentation of the exhibition of paintings “Ukraine through children’s eyes ATO”

Presentation of the exhibition of paintings “Ukraine through children’s eyes ATO”

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Poland – Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine In the Volyn region, in the framework of the 12th art caravan of friendship “East and West” took place the project “Childhood without tears”. It was attended by young artists from 

The president: the Constitutional court a significant role in rule of law strengthening

The president: the Constitutional court a significant role in rule of law strengthening

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Latvia –

Source: President of Latvia in English

“Welcome the Constitutional court’s work, strengthening the rule of law in Latvia. The constitutional court of the progress so far does not doubt the court’s authority. Important that the Constitutional court judgments are complied with in a timely and responsible national authorities should endeavour to prevent the court identified weaknesses and improve the laws and regulations. Respect for the judicial respect for the country,” stressed the State minister Raimonds Vējonis on Monday, 2018. on 4. in September, at a meeting with Constitutional court president of Inetu Ziemeli.The state president and the Constitutional court of the president during the meeting also discussed the justice sector developments, including legislative quality, and the judicial power of the work improvement issues. The president asked the Constitutional court to promote judicial dialogue for improving judicial work at all levels.The two officials agreed on the need to improve law quality and to determine the obligation of the legislature to clarify the law adopted by the content. Both society and the law of the adopters is important that the Saeima adopted amendments to the Saeima rules of procedure roll, that focus on legislative process improvement.“Equally important is the public in a modern way, explained the court adopted the rulings, and work opportunities. The constitutional court in this respect can serve as a good example of a number of public institutions,” said the president.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us if the grammar and / or sentence structure is not perfect.

Speech of the President of the Republic, before the Parliament meeting in Congress at Versailles

Speech of the President of the Republic, before the Parliament meeting in Congress at Versailles

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English – Published on July 10, 2018 Topic : Nation, institutions, and reform of the State ONLY THE SPOKEN VERSION SHALL BE AUTHENTIC. Versailles, Monday, July 9, 2018 President of the Congress,