MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories – Source: Republic of France in FrenchLa République française a publié la déclaration suivante: Dans le cadre de l’opération Résilience, la direction interarmées des réseaux d’infrastructure et des systèmes d’information de la défense (DIRISI) de Saint-Denis de 

WPeMatico Free core v2.5

WPeMatico Free core v2.5

Version 2.5 concludes a series of radical changes that we had started since version 2.4 in terms of plugin security. Also following a strict revision to follow the standards of WordPress coding development. Its update is highly recommended but it is also recommended to test 

5 Signs Your Small Business’s Website Security Strategy Needs Revamping

5 Signs Your Small Business’s Website Security Strategy Needs Revamping

We live in an era where cyberattacks are only getting increasingly worse.   From 2015 through 2016, for instance, there was a significant 32% increase in the number of hacked sites, and an 18% increase from 2017 through 2018. And here’s another very startling fact: 

WPeMatico Publish 2 Email

WPeMatico Publish 2 Email

Another excellent plugin which haven’t been saw so much is the addon WPeMatico publish 2 Email. Can you imagine a website taking post from different feeds or websites and sending them as emails to different accounts? WpeMatico publish 2 Email can make this to happen 

WPeMatico FREE & PRO versions released

WPeMatico FREE & PRO versions released

Since version 1.2 there have been several releases of WPeMatico FREE & PRO plugins, testing the automatic updates and many other new features that were added to the free version and the Premium. Notable among these are true functions using CURL optionally for obtaining remote 

Get and Set Images as Featured with WPeMatico

Get and Set Images as Featured with WPeMatico

Updated Aug 2, 2018 Basic instructions for the Free and Pro versions to correctly get images and make featured from the feeds or from source websites with WPeMatico. (This can change for future versions You can set an image as featured in a WordPress post 

New Addon!! WPeMatico Cache

New Addon!! WPeMatico Cache

There are several cache plugins for WordPress but they really have so many options that make your head ache and there is always problems with them. Because of it, we’ve decided to develop an easy plugin, practical and fast, with a good performance and optimized 

5 Signs Your Small Business’s Website Security Strategy Needs Revamping

5 Signs Your Small Business’s Website Security Strategy Needs Revamping

We live in an era where cyberattacks are only getting increasingly worse.   From 2015 through 2016, for instance, there was a significant 32% increase in the number of hacked sites, and an 18% increase from 2017 through 2018. And here’s another very startling fact: 

WPeMatico Free core v2.5

WPeMatico Free core v2.5

Version 2.5 concludes a series of radical changes that we had started since version 2.4 in terms of plugin security. Also following a strict revision to follow the standards of WordPress coding development. Its update is highly recommended but it is also recommended to test 

WPeMatico Publish 2 Email

WPeMatico Publish 2 Email

Another excellent plugin which haven’t been saw so much is the addon WPeMatico publish 2 Email. Can you imagine a website taking post from different feeds or websites and sending them as emails to different accounts? WpeMatico publish 2 Email can make this to happen