Contribution to vocational training (PSC) self-employed : the payment deadline approach

Contribution to vocational training (PSC) self-employed : the payment deadline approach

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
Credits : © highwaystarz –

The self-employed (artisans, shopkeepers, industrialists and liberal) must now pay the contribution to vocational training (PSC) in November of the reference year.

Non-salaried workers pay a mandatory contribution to the Urssaf to finance their training. In previous years, the self-employed paid in February of the year following the year of the year due (in February 2018 for the contribution pertaining to the year 2017, for example).

The PSC is due for 2018 must be paid by November 2018.

Attention : artisans, business leaders, attached to the general regime of the social Security system (managing minority SARL for example) must declare and pay the contributions by using the declaration sociale nominative (DSN) of September due to the 5 or the 15 October 2018.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.