Travel to Cergy

MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories –

Source: Government of France

September 25, 2018 – Note to editors

Displacement of Mr Edouard PHILIPPE, Prime minister,with Mrs. Sophie CLUZEL, secretary of State to the Prime minister responsible for Persons with disabilities and Mr. Julien DENORMANDIE, State secretary to the minister of the Cohesion of the territoiresà Cergy – Val d OiseMercredi 26 September 2018Le Prime minister, accompanied by Mrs. Sophie CLUZEL, secretary of State to the Prime minister responsible for Persons with disabilities and of Mr. Julien DENORMANDIE, State secretary to the minister of territorial Cohesion, will be in Cergy where he will meet with the residents and staff of the residence between generations The Closbilles.This institution promotes the social inclusion of persons with disabilities and the dependent elderly that the Government wishes to promote, including with the law ELAN.Place estimate :09h15 Arrival of the Prime minister at the residence between generations The Closbilles4, Instead of the Thyrse 95000 CergyToute press accréditéeVisite of the residence and presentation of the project socialPool presse10h10 Micro tense of the First ministreToute press accréditéeOrganisation press :Please accredit before Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 18: 00 to the address : stating your phone number, your card number and press and you bring it as proof of identity.The journalists of the pool press are invited to arrive no later than 8: 30 am at 4, Place du Thyrse 95000 Cergy. Journalists wishing to attend the micro tense are asked to arrive no later than 09: 30.A note of precision pool will be sent to you later. POOL TV : France TV

Advisor in charge : Ségolène RedonContacts: 01 42 75 50 78/79 – 01 42 75 80

Note to editors – the Movement of Mr. Edouard PHILIPPE, Prime minister, Cergy – 26.09.2018


EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Apologies should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.