Backgrounder: Canadian Allowance for Parents of Youth Victims of Crime

MIL OSI Translation. Canadian French to English

Source: Government of Canada – MIL OSI in French 2

Canadian Allowance for Parents of Youth Victims of Crime – Eligibility Information

In order for an application for the Canada Allowance for Parents of Young Victims of Crime to be accepted, all of the following conditions must be met:

the child must be under 25 years of age at the time of the incident (death or disappearance); the death or disappearance of the child must result from a probable offense under the Criminal Code; the incident must have occurred in Canada; in the case of a missing child, the child must have been missing for more than one week; when the deceased child is 14 years of age or older, it is unlikely that the child willfully participated in the crime that led to his death.

In addition, applicants must meet the following criteria:

be legally responsible for the child have earned at least $ 6,500 in the previous calendar year or 52 weeks prior to the incident; have taken time off work, or work 50% of their regular hours up to 20 hours per week; not to have been charged with the Criminal Code offense that led to the death or disappearance of the child; not receiving Employment Insurance benefits or the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Apologies should the grammar and / or sentence structure not be perfect.