The 100th anniversary of the battle of the Canal du Nord and of the exploits of Milton Gregg, V. C.
MIL OSI Translation. Canadian French to English
Source: Government of Canada – MIL OSI in French 2
The hundred days of Canada represent the last three months of the First world War. During this period, a series of impressive wins in the canadian Corps, including the battle of the Canal du Nord, has confirmed his reputation as a troop assault elite on the Western front. The hundred days of Canada culminated with the signing of the Armistice on 11 November 1918.
At the end of September 1918, the canadian Corps won one of the victories of the most impressive of the First world War, crossing the Canal du Nord, in the north of France. The Canadians have found their way through three lines of German defences to take Bourlon Wood, thus breaking the enemy line Hindenburg.
Lieutenant Milton Gregg, of New Brunswick, was an officer of the Royal Canadian Regiment during the offensive of the canadian Corps to the North Channel. The exceptional courage he has shown from 27 September to 1 October 1918 as the enemy fire won him the Victoria Cross.
The 28 and 29 September 2018, Veterans affairs Canada, in concert with the canadian armed Forces, the Office of the lieutenant governor of New Brunswick, the Vimy Foundation and the Gregg Centre of the University of New Brunswick, will host a series of commemorative activities, community in Fredericton, New Brunswick, to mark the 100th anniversary of the crossing of the Canal du Nord and of the exploits of Milton Gregg, which earned him the Victoria Cross.
The activities are aimed at young audiences and adults, as well as the local community of the canadian armed Forces, veterans, and their families. They will enable participants to better understand the importance of the fighting on the Western front in the last months of the First world War as well as the local impact of the conflict.
Among other activities :
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EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Apologies should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.