“The price of the plain language in the public services” : special mention for Service-public.fr

“The price of the plain language in the public services” : special mention for Service-public.fr

MIL OSI Translation. Government of the Republic of France statements from French to English
Credits : © general Secretariat for the modernisation of public action

In the framework of the award “Let’s be clear” 2017, which rewards initiatives in favor of the improvement of the quality of the writings of the administrative information in the public services, Service-public.fr has obtained the special mention of the “price of the plain language in the public services” following the redesign of the site in 2016.

The winners of “Let’s be clear” 2017 are :

Grand prize : the national family allowances Fund (Cnaf), for the redesign of the space customized My account on caf.fr

In addition Service-public.fr it is the departmental Directorate of territories and the sea in the Loire-Atlantique, which has obtained another special mention from the jury.

Namely :

“Let’s be clear” is a project carried out both by the Council of orientation of the editing public and administrative information (Coepia), the general Secretariat for the modernisation of public action (SGMAP) and the human rights Defender. The awards distinguish projects in particular for the quality of their writing, but also for the customization, innovation and positive impact on the relationship with the users of the administration.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and/or sentence structure is not be perfect.