The Ambassador of Colombia in Uruguay, Natalia Abello, inaugurated the exhibition 'Gold, Spirit and Nature of a Territory'

MIL OSI Translation. Region: Spanish / Latin America / UN –

Source: Republic of Colombia

Montevideo (Sep. 20/18). Within the framework of the Plan for the Promotion of Colombia abroad, the Embassy of Colombia in Uruguay inaugurated in the Museum of Pre-Columbian and Indigenous Art of Uruguay -MAPI, the artistic exhibition 'Gold, Spirit and Nature of a Territory' by the artist Pedro Ruiz . The exhibition is part of the itinerant exhibition that began in Montevideo where it will be until October 14 to then continue its journey to Buenos Aires and finish in Asunción.

The activity was developed in two stages

Guided tour: He was in charge of the artist Pedro Ruiz, was directed to literary critics of the country and local and international media. After the visit, Ambassador Natalia Abello, in partnership with MAPI, offered a lunch where the artist could give more information and anecdotes of the work.

Inauguration: Ambassador Natalia Abello inaugurated the exhibition accompanied by the Mayor of Montevideo, Daniel Martínez; Director of the Museum, Facundo de Almeida and Colombian artist Pedro Ruiz. The event was attended by more than 80 people, including representatives and authorities from the cultural and business world of Montevideo, as well as the diplomatic corps, foreign and national public.

The welcoming words of the Ambassador described the work and the artist. "I have the honor of offering you a tour of a character who carries on his ship the memory of the landscape that has been taken from him. The Colombian identity, nostalgia and the hope of a reconstruction after the conflicts, are visualized in the gold project that is part of the series of displacements of the great Colombian artist Pedro Ruiz ".

"It is also a provocation and a challenge to look with new eyes at our environment and at our neighbors, to value the legacy we have received and to take care of it, love it and protect it", describes the artist Pedro Ruiz in his presentation text.

Oro Vital: Within the framework of the vital gold pedagogical project, there is an activity with children where they are invited to watch Colombia with love. The artistic show is a legion of children who have a mission, to look for gold, the real gold, not the one that shines, but the one that makes shine.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is a translation. Please forgive us should the grammar and / or sentence structure not be perfect.